Monday, October 20, 2008

Give Away - Isaiah 61:1-3

Seven months after my daughters death someone shared an author and book title with me that was a catalyst in bringing major changes to my life... changes I thought were unchangeable.

I was very scattered during that time, having great difficulty concentrating long enough to read, much less retain anything. Once I began reading the recommended book, I found myself filling it's pages with hi-lighter and post it notes. After the first reading, I went back for a second.

During the course of both readings my Ugly Bible got uglier as I cross checked, highlighted and flagged passages against what I was discovering.

God began doing a big work in me.

Light reached into the darkest recesses of my heart, the reality of who I was in Christ, the depth of His love and sacrifices crashed over me in waves that left me breathless.

Through discussions with my loving friend I learned there was actually an excellent Bible study based on this same book I had covered in graffiti - she urged me to do the study as well.

I did.

Under God's direction we went into some of the deepest, blackest and hardest parts of my life. Once there I faced a world of heartache, hurt, sin, shame, disappointment and grief. Chains were broken, forgiveness embraced and strongholds torn down. Working this course was the beginning of realizing there was Light at the end of the tunnel and freedom unlike any I had known before.

The book-study was
'Breaking Free' by Beth Moore

Along with in depth daily homework, the study includes 11 video lessons.

The video sessions of Breaking Free, originally filmed a few years ago are now being redone. These sessions will be filmed next month at the same location as the original series, the Franklin Avenue Baptist Church between November 10th -15th.

This study has great significance for me. God willing I will be attending the remake of these new sessions. My birthday falls during that week and my sweetheart is gifting me with the trip, but we would like to gift some of you as well.

I have 2 additional tickets. If you are able to join us in Nawlin's next month please post a comment including a way to contact you, through the your blog link or leave an email address with your comments. I will leave The comments open until this Saturday October 25th at 5 pm. The Winner will be listed and contacted Saturday evening, so you have until then to enter.

Looking forward to hearing from ya'll
have a blessed week!


Anonymous said...

Well Early Happy Birthday Sweet Gal! For all you have done for me let me take you to lunch for yor birthday sometime around the date. Email me the day. I love Nawlins. Have a great time. Love yah your sister In Christ. The one "packing heat" for Jesus. Cheryl

Michelle Bentham Blogspot said...

Well Tammy... I would love to go. LOVE TO GO. It is also incentive for me to kick my oldest daughter's butt into high gear about getting her Driver's License. Longest story ever... I put it off as long as possible and now she is draggin' her feet as well. I've done Breaking Free but it was so fresh after Justin's death I would love the opportunity to make this journey again! I would just love it.

Praying those who need this the most will be the ones who receive it.


jennyhope said...

I am going to post this on my blog but check your email...
I am so thankful for your testimony and how the Lord allowed us to converse over that in San Antonio.

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

What an awesome giveaway! OH how I wish I could swing that one..

I'll post your giveaway on my blog..surely someone out there can go! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy! Thanks for this great opportunity! you can reach me at Got the word through Melinda's blog at Blessings, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I'm praying that just the right Siesta gets the tix....can't make it myself but the Lord will use them to bless BIG. PS Found you through JennyHope. but I'll be back to your blog ;-) Jill

Anonymous said...

vI stumbled across your blog tonight by accident...well, I guess we know there are not any accidents :) What a lovely blog and what an awesome giveaway.

I am on a bloggin break right now, but you can reach me at

(faithful chick)

GratefulinGA said...

Thank you all for stopping by

Lisa Mac and Jenny Hope, Bless you both for heading spread the word!.

Jill how wonderful and selfless to be backing us with your prayers!

I'm looking forward to seeing who will be joining us down on the Bayou.

Anonymous said...

Tammy -- I'm so excited to find more Siestas who are going to be in Nawlins! Breaking Free is one amazing study and girl, you have an amazing testimony. I'm linking back to your post. I know God has just the right Siesta who is need of these tickets.

ohhh, and come over to the
I'm posting a Roll Call -- Who's coming and where are you staying post.
Pass the word!


valerie said...

Hi Tammy,

I left you a comment on the Siesta Fiesta blog. What an amazing testimony you have. I was in tears first thing this morning reading it. It blessed me so!

It's so nice to meet you!

Since I live in OK and this trip is coming up soon...I won't be able to make it, but I pray the person who needs it most will be blessed with the tickets. Oh, how I would love to be there and would if I thought I could possibly work it out!

God bless you! & Happy early birthday. (SWEET gift from your husband, by the way!)


Lora said...

What a life changing study! I am very sorry for your loss Tammy. What a neat give-a-way - I will not be able to go; but it's so nice to find you on the bloggy world! I finally got my blog up and running and have just posted about the Siesta Fiesta. It was my pleasure to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for offering this give away, and also for sending the email to those of us who are still looking for tickets! What a blessing!! I would love to go - if the Lord will's.
My contact info is:

lavonda said...

Several years ago for my birthday, my step-mother gave me the bible study book for Breaking Free -- I'd been through SO much, more than one person could imagine this side of sanity -- and she just knew this study would bless me the way it had her. All these years have passed and I've never done it yet. I've done others, and healed milestones, but for some reason, have not done it yet. When I heard about the taping in NO through the LPM blog, I called Lifeway to get tickets and they told me they'd JUST SOLD THE LAST ONE right before I called.

Then today I had an email from you in my inbox to come here and read about your giveaway.

My heart started beating so fast I had to come and enter it. :)

Bless you for wanting to Bless other people!

Melinda said...

Wishing BAD that I could do this! I know the person who needs it most will win.

By the way, that "Lisa" under Lisa@TPW, is my cousin! :o)


L.L. Barkat said...

Hey there. No need to enter me in the giveaway. I just wanted to say thank you for your kind words about the book. I'm glad it touched you. Indeed, I had no idea you'd been through such incredible hard places yourself. (This post made me swallow hard.)


Toknowhim said...

Oh, how I wish I could go too, but at this season of my life the timing is not right. I feel sure the two people who get the tickets, are just the ones the Lord wants to have them.

I am stopping by today because I read your story at the Siesta Blog. Thank you so much for sharing your is important. Hope to learn more about your story when I come to visit.


jennyhope said...

Tammy, your testimony just ripped at my heart. Thank you for being who you are and letting the Lord turn your weakness into strength and bestow a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. I can't even imagine what you have been through. It sounds like we have similar upbringings

Di said...

I came to your blog because I would like one or two more tickets for my group from Ohio coming to Nawlins. I was amazed to read your testimony. It stopped me in my tracks. I too have a Breaking Free testimony - this study turned my life around - but I have endured little when compared to the loss you have shared on your blog. The most important thing you and I share is the very real and miraculous victory in Jesus Christ. No one can take Him away from us, sister!!!

My email address is If you or any other of your bloggers still need tickets, let's all keep our ears open. There are bound to be more coming available as the date draws near.
May God bless you (and your blog ministry!),
Di Kroplin

GratefulinGA said...

You are all so precious – thanks for dropping by!

Mary- I signed up for the roll call and can’t wait to make your acquaintance face to face.

Valerie – thank you for the kind words, loving heart and especially the prayers. Maybe next time!

Lora from Ballwin! Tickled pink you dropped by and your blog up and running. Looking forward to checking out your SA post and photos! Sorry you can’t join us on another southern adventure, maybe the next Siesta gathering.

Tricia – glad you swung by, look forward to getting to know you - in Nawlins or online.

Lavonda – Whether you make this trip or not – DO THE STUDY!! Every woman should, and these video sessions will not include the daily homework that is so essential. Praying for you dear girl!

Melinda – Your cousin? Anything like you? I love her already!

L.L. – Your blog, your book – your testimony! To God be the glory!

To Know Him- so good to meet you, hope to see you around the ‘net’.

Jenny – oh yes! Kindred spirits in so many ways my dear! What a blessing you are!

Di- Would love to hear your song of deliverance some time. It’s so good to meet yet another fellow sojourner.

Constance said...

Popped over from the Siesta Spotlight and wanted to say hi. I commented over there but somehow, after baring your soul with us, that didn't seem like enough! I love how God has knitted us altogether within the Body of Christ and how when one hurts we all should hurt. Thank you for sharing with us and for the way that God has been working in your life. "He who has begun a good work in you..."

Connie Hopkins
Denton, Texas

Anonymous said...

Plz enter me in the free ticket give away. I was able to attend the first Breaking Free taping years ago. I was late trying to get my ticket therefore do not have one.
Thank you and blessings for offering this neat gift to someone.
Donna Hazelwood

dh185 said...

I have done a few Beth Moore studies, but I haven't done Breaking Free. I live in the New Orleans area and have friends who have tickets. I would love to be able to go with them.

It would be a tremendous blessing to receive these tickets.

God Bless you for giving them away!

Annie said...

Tammy - wow. I should stop over here more. I tried to follow the link ... it wasn't found. I had no idea your daughter died. My heart goes out to you, my friend. Praise God for His grace and comfort for your heavy heart. He is so good.