Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Heart Overflows

With all the hurt and suffering in the world lately, it becomes tempting to disengage, listen and read only the good news and basically pretend all is right with the world.

Lately, I find myself more aware than ever of how little control we have over anything, and for that I am so grateful.

History has shown my efforts to fix anything only guarantees failure.

What I try to more often is to press past my discomfort, ponder the hurt, relate as best I can to the need and pour my heart out to God.

These days my heart overflows with gratefulness for all the ways God has grants His abundant grace and mercy. He loves and cares for us despite the fact we neither deserve or have the ability to earn either. His response to our prayers are often so different than we might chose, but ultimately they are for our good and His glory, and this fills me with much gratitude.


Melinda said...

Beautiful, friend. Truly, all we can do is be grateful and trust.

Love you friend,

Annie said...

Tammy, that was such a relaxing song! I really enjoyed it. Gratitude is SUCH an important thing. So easily overlooked and forgotten in our lives too. As I was teaching my little 4 year olds at church the other day (I help out every other week) I told them, "God really likes it when we praise Him! Do you know why?" As they all shook their heads, my head started scrambling too ... uhhh ... why does He like us to praise Him. Ummm ... I had only a moment to think and I said, "because then He gets to come be with us! The Bible says that the Lord dwells on the praises of his people. So when we praise Him, He gets to come be with us, and He really likes that a lot." It struck me in a way ... I don't know if I've ever seen it before. Negativity propels Him away. When all He wants is to be with us. So when we praise Him, and we let our hearts overflow with gratitude and thanksgiving ... that is when He can visit and spend time with us. My heart is pondering that.

melissa shelley said...

Amen, girlfriend, I could not of said it better myself! Let's give him a shout of praise because he is so worthy!

Love, Melissa

Kate said...

*deep sigh*
Beautiful song. Great words! Awesome God!!

love you.

God's girl said...

Yes be thankful in all things...A blessing indeed yet so hard at times. A choice.
Much love,

Nadine said...

Thank you for such beautiful words.

polly said...

Yes, Sista! His grace is sufficient and you are living proof -- as I read your testimony of hope.
When I'm singing (bellowing in my car) to Chris Tomlin's version of "Your Grace Is Enough" it is an outward reminder of what Job meant when he said, "Though He slay me, yet will I praise Him." Hallelujah, what a Savior Hallelujah what a Friend! :)
Love you,

Nadine said...

God is an awesome God and gives us the grace we need. Loved your thoughts.

3girlsmom said...

I miss you A LOT. And I loved this post. Beautiful.